Saturday, June 21, 2008

OK, lets try again...

Don't know what I did that the images and text are separate for this post. HERE are some collage samples.

Such blue eyes!

Uploading some examples of collage work that I did for a recent client. This little doll had the bluest eyes. They were just amazing!

Beautiful blonde curls

It's always a pleasure to snap some pictures of a little blondie. Especially one this funny and cute. Such a contrast from my own dark haired children.

At the ballfield...

Photos for a friend today. Her little guy is playing teeball for the first time this year. The game was a hoot! The batting helmets were huge on their little heads.


I photographed these two last summer when they were just over 4lbs. Wonderful, miraculous little one year olds now. I was grateful to share in their birthday celebration.


This tiny gal is the first child of a sweet co-worker of mine. She's one of the tiniest new people I've had the priveledge to photograph in a while.

Leah on her birthay

This one is an old friend. She's about to be a big sister.


A few pictures for a very sweet momma. I included one of your baby with my baby.