I love photographing families. Out of all the types of sessions that I do, I think family photos are my hands-down favorite. I love kids; they are my passion . And being able to capture them with the people that love them, the people that think they hung the moon...to see that? Nothing is better. Well, nothing except capturing all those amazing relationships in the place where your family is most comfortable. Your home.
When a family invites me to do an in-home documentary session, I feel like I have been granted the greatest privilege. A peek into your daily lives. A look at your family in a setting where few others see you, where you are most comfortable; at home.
Now I know family life and your house (and your housecleaning) aren't perfect. And they don't have to be! They just have to be you.

When my kids were little, I had formal family photos taken 5 or 6 times by other photographers. And I liked those pictures. I truly did. I even printed and framed some of them for our walls. But the photos that mean the most to me aren't among those. My kids are almost grown now...15 and 19. And the photos that are forever in my heart aren't the formal, planned, "let's all pick out a nice outfit" photos. It's the picture of Chloe at Christmas when she got make-up and jewelry and put the blue lipstick, the really, really pink blush and lots of colors of eye shadow on with ALL the jewelry she got. And a snapshot of Elijah running through the sprinklers in our backyard; white as a ghost in mid-July and skinny as a stick...but full of joy. The moments that bring tears to my eyes and make me want to turn back time are those day-to-day moments when they were silly, crabby, wild, energetic and little. Those are the moments I want to capture for you.

And getting ready for an in-home documentary session is the easiest thing ever! Just wake up in the morning and do what you normally do. Get the kids dressed and feed them breakfast. Play and do chores. Laugh, argue, spend time together and alone. And I'll be there to capture it. Every sweet, funny, frustrating, REAL moment of it.
Documentary sessions can capture any part of your day that you'd like. Morning routine, playtime, nap time, bedtime routine...there is no part of your day that isn't suited to this type of session. No need to fuss over clothing--let them wear what they want! Bedhead? No worries? I'll be there to watch you tame it.
Documentary sessions start at $150 for 2 hours coverage, but can be extended to include as much time as you'd like Each additional hour is $50. And you get all the edited photos from your session on disk, included in your session fee. From most sessions there will be 40-60 images. Most technically perfect and hand edited. But I also like to include just a few of those technically imperfect, perfect moments. Those times when the camera wasn't quite ready, but the moment was real and priceless.
Contact me now to book your in-home session:
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